>>Comparative Studies 2021

Comparative Studies (COS)   is a work program of the Communication and Information Division of BEM Himatika ‘Identika’ UPI held at least once in one management period. In the previous period, this activity was named Comparative Studies.

Comparative Studies was held on August 6, 2021 with HIMKA PHOENIX IAIN Cirebon. The purpose of this COS activity is to establish friendship with the set involved in the activity and take advantage and benefit from each set so as to improve the performance of each set.

This year’s COS was conducted online through a zoom meeting with the theme “Build a relation and exchange ideas to improve organizational performance”. The organizers at this COS are HIMKA PHOENIX IAIN Cirebon and BEM HIU as the invitee. The number of participants present was 143 people. In this activity there is a discussion session between the fields / divisions of each set so that each division can get more directed knowledge and experience about the corresponding fields / divisions.

After holding Comparative Studies activities, the committee held a discussion and sharing about what is obtained from Comparative Studies that have been implemented and what can be applied in BEM HIU. In addition, this discussion aims to accommodate evaluations and suggestions so that Comparative Studies can be better in the future. 

(Eneng Riska)