Mathematics Study Program as a Leading and Outstanding in Mathematics study program
Meducation to prepare for the Candidate Mathematician which is outstanding, creative, superior, Professional, and global competitiveness;
Menyelenggarakan research in the field of Mathematics as the basis of the process of education and community service;
Morganizes community service based on the results of research in mathematics;
Meducation and research through the development and development of And partnerships at the national, regional, and international level;
Empower all resources by utilizing information and communication technology engineering (ICT) in learning and research.
Produce a Bachelor of Mathematics who has personality, achievement, creative, Superior Professional, and competitiveness, as well as able to collaborate and compete in mathematics;
Develop research in mathematics that is relevant to the development of science and technology so that innovations in mathematics will be produced;
Supporting the implementation of community service activities and services based on research results in the field of Mathematics;
Carrying out cooperation (collaboration) with various institutions at home and abroad to improve the performance of lecturers and students in mathematics studies and research in the field of Mathematics;
Empowering lecturers and students to utilize information and communication technology engineering (ICT) in learning and research.
1 | Course Name | Mathematics |
2 | Study Program Management Unit | Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education |
3 | Address PS | FPMIPA Building
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 299 Bandung |
4 | Regency/ City | Bandung |
5 | Postal Code | 40154 |
6 | No. Phone /Facsimile PS | 022-2004508 |
7 | Homepage and E-mail PS |, |
8 | E-mail PS | |
9 | Establishment of Study Program | 181/DIKTI/Kep/1998 |
10 | Operational License Sk Number (*) : | 1036/UN40/DT/2015 |
11 | Date of Operational License | February 6th, 2015 |
12 | Last Accreditation Rating | A
No. 159/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/V/2017 |
13 | Quality Management System | ISO 9001:2008, No.48265/A/0001/UK/En. Sep 28th, 2011, Expiry Date: September 27th, 2017. (Accredited by URS) |
14 | Degree | S.Mat. (Bachelor of Mathematics) |
15 | Terms of Entry | Graduated from College Testing through SBMPTN, SNMPTN and UM UPI |
16 | Length of Study | 4 Years (8 semesters) |
17 | Number of SKS | 150 SKS |
18. | Brief description (At-a-glance history of the Prodi) | The Mathematics Study Program was established on April 15, 1998 with a decree from the Directorate General of Higher Education number 910/D/T/98, and the operational license is set out in the Rector’s Regulation of the Indonesian University of Education No. 1036/UN40/DT/2015.
FPMIPA UPI Mathematics Study Program is a study program that was established in response to the demands of the government in this case the Director General of Higher Education, starting from 6 IKIP namely IKIP: Bandung, Jakarta, Manado, Semarang, Surabaya and Medan received an expansion of the mandate. At that time, the Director General of Higher Education was Prof. Dr. Bambang Suhendro while the Rector of IKIP Bandung who was in office was Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Fakry Gaffar, M.Ed. Mathematics Study Program was under the Department of Mathematics Education, where the birth was triggered by the demands of the community of mathematicians who can overcome problems in the world of work in general, not limited to the field of education only. At the beginning of prodi. Mathematics is led directly by the Head of The Department of Mathematics Education, Namely Drs, Kosim Rukmana, M.Si, but since 2005 led by a head of the study program, Siti Fatimah, M.Si., Ph.d who is in implementation together with the head of the Study Program. Mathematics Education is Dra. Nurjanah, M.Pd moving the wheels of the study program under the coordination of the Chairman of the Department of Mathematics Education, Prof. Yaya S Kusumah, M.Sc, Ph.D. Since October 27, 2014 the name of the Department of Mathematics education changed to the Department of Mathematics Education, this is stated in the Rector Regulation of the University of Education of Indonesia No. 6637/UN40/HK/2014. The accreditation rating of mathematics study program is currently B with SK BAN PT Number 049/BAN-PT/Ak-XIV/S1/I/2012 which is valid up to January, 13th 2017. The profile of the Mathematics Study Program is producing graduates as mathematicians, researchers and practitioners. Graduate jobs are in various government and private institutions, among others: Banks, Pusan Statistics Agency, Ministry of Home Affairs, insurance services companies, various educational institutions and others. The degree given to alumni of the Mathematics study program is S.Si (Bachelor of Science) and since February 6, 2015 the degree is adjusted to the name of Bachelor of Mathematics (S. Mat), this is set out in the Rector Regulation of the Indonesian University of Education No. 1037/UN40/HK/2015.
Curriculum Structure to realize the profile consists of 150 SKS, which is divided into Core Curriculum (134 SKS) and Elective Curriculum (16 SKS) selected from 84 SKS spread in 4 concentrations of study fields (KBK). The core curriculum is intended to provide generic knowledge as a mathematician, researcher and practitioner, while the elective curriculum is intended to provide additional competencies tailored to the concentration of the selected field of study students. The concentration of the field of study offered is the concentration of algebra, analysis, statistics, and applied. To provide supplies in the applicator state, some courses are equipped with practicum that uses various computer software in the laboratory and internships in various government and private agencies. In addition, cross fertilization principles are applied to strengthen the learning process. The Mathematics Study Program has partnered with various government and private agencies as a place of practice internship that provides students to face the world of work after graduating from the study program. To improve the quality of lecturers, the department also partnered with the Association of Indonesia Matematics Society (INDO MS) which always organizes activities both to increase the insight of lecturers as individuals, as well as activities to improve the quality of the prodi in accordance with the demands of the government (DIKTI) as well as the demands of the general public and the demands of the world of work. Currently the Ministry of Mathematics Education has a network of international cooperation with several leading universities, such as Chiba University and Gunma University Japan. Several lecturers are actively involved in research cooperation with the two universities.
19. | Vision | Mathematics Study Program as a Pioneer and Excel study program in Mathematics Education at the national, regional, and international level |
20. | Mission | 1. organizing education to prepare candidates for an accomplished, creative, superior, professional, and globally competitive mathematician;
2. to restore research in mathematics as the basis of the process of education and community service; 3. organizing community service based on the results of research in mathematics; 4. internationalization of education through the development and strengthening of networks and partnerships at the national, regional, and international levels. 5. Empowering all resources by utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) engineering in learning and research. |
21. | Graduate Competency | Able to achieve competencies in accordance with KKNI level 6 from KKNI, namely:
22 | Course Objectives | 1. Producing mathematics scholars who have personality, achievement, creative, superior, professional, and globally competitive, as well as able to collaborate and compete in mathematics;
2. Develop research in mathematics that is relevant to the development of science and technology so that innovations in mathematics will be produced; 3. Supporting the implementation of community service activities and services based on research results in the field of mathematics; 4. Develop cooperation (collaboration) with various institutions at home and abroad to improve the performance of lecturers and students in mathematics studies and research in the field of mathematics; 5. Supporting lecturers and students to utilize information and communication technology (ICT) engineering in learning and research. |
23. | Learning Outcomes | 1. Being a citizen who believes and believes in God Almighty, proud and love the homeland, and has good morals, ethics and personality.
2. Have the ability and ability to make the right decisions and professionals based on the results of analysis of information and data, and can choose alternative solutions independently and group in solving problems in the work environment they face in accordance with the context to obtain the best results. 3. Mastering and being able to actively apply the use of various mathematical modeling techniques based on science and technology, as well as being able to solve mathematical problems and be able to adapt in the investigation faced through the implementation of appropriate mathematical models, approaches, and methods. 4. Mastering the general concepts and principles of mathematics and depth in one of the fields (concentration): statistics, algebra, analysis, and applied, as a basis for work, further study, and becoming a lifelong learner. 5. Understand and master knowledge, skills, and attitudes that reflect as a mathematician; able to adjust; strategic decisions, and provide alternative solutions based on mathematical research. 6. Able to think logically, innovatively, and creatively to improve self-capability, speed of work implementation, and quality and productivity of work. 7. Able to plan and manage resources under his responsibility by utilizing knowledge and technology related to the field of mathematics to produce strategic development measures of the organization. |