Cooperation of the Department of Mathematics Education of UPI with SuRaLa Net Japan

Thursday, September 8, 2016, UPI’s Department of Mathematical Education held a meeting with JICA Indonesia representatives to discuss foreign cooperation between SuRaLa Net and upi’s Department of Mathematical Education.


SuRaLa Net is a JICA Project Team engaged in e-learning to strengthen children’s math skills. SuRaLa Net’s collaboration with UPI’s Department of Mathematics Education in the form of developing Mathematics learning with e-learning in Lab. School Bumi Siliwangi and Cibiru. The development of e-learning at Lab School Bumi Siliwangi by cooperation with SuRaLa Net itself has been done since 2015. While the development at Cibiru Lab School was carried out starting in 2016.

The meeting invited the faculty of UPI’s Department of Mathematics Education, Siti Fatimah, Ph.D., Dr. H. Sufyani Prabawanto, M.Ed., Prof. Dr. H. Tatang Herman, Turmudi, Ph.D., Entit Puspita, M.Si., Dr. Bambang Avip Priatna, Dr. Elah Nurlaelah, Dr. H. Asep Herry Hermawan, Dr. H. Dadang Juandi, Encum Sumiaty, M.Si., Ade Rohayati, M.Pd., Rini Marwati, M.S., Ririn Sispiyati, M.Si. , Fitriani Agustina, M.Si., Al Jupri, Ph.D., Isnie Yusnitha, M.Ed., and Eyus Sudihartinih, M.Pd. The meeting also invited the Vice Rector of Academic & Student Affairs of UPI and Dr. Phil. H. Ari Widodo, M.Ed. as Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs of FPMIPA UPI.