Visit of FKIP Department of Mathematics Education Program, University of Pekalongan

Wednesday, May 25, 2010 became a different day for UPI’s math education department. This is because upi mathematics education department got a visit from the department of FKIP mathematics education program pekalongan university.

Department of FKIP mathematics education program pekalongan university conducted a visit to UPI in order to study the appeal with the department of Mathematics education. The contents of this visit include:

  1. All lecturers and students majoring in mathematics education department of pekalongan university are welcomed to then enter the auditorium, where the event begins with an open discussion between lecturers and lecturers, with a general discussion about the cooperation of UPI and Pekalongan University in the future
  2. After discussions between lecturers, the event continued with a discussion between BEM pekalongan education program and BEM himatika ‘identika’ UPI but this discussion was only attended by the core manager of BEM himatika ‘identika’ UPI and all bem administrators of pekalongan university. The discussion is only in the form of sharing bem work program.
  3. For some students who are not bem administrators at pekalongan university, they visited upi computer math laboratory room.

Hopefully this visit can strengthen the bond of friendship and cooperation between UPI and The University of Pekalongan, especially for the Department of Mathematics UPI and Mathematics Education Program, University of Pekalongan.